Central Yeshiva High School for Girls, Yearbook (Brooklyn, New York)
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Central Yeshiva High School for Girls, Yearbook (Brooklyn, New York) içinde ara
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Central Yeshiva High School for Girls, Yearbook (Brooklyn, New York)
1.268 kayıt
Elchanette (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.), 1970 (1970). Yearbook of Yeshiva University High School for Girls (Brooklyn), established as Central Yeshiva High School for Girls, which existed from 1948-1978. Elchanette refers to Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Spektor (1817-1896), chief rabbi of Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania, for whom the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, a parent school of Yeshiva University, is named.<br><br>
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